Retail Solutions2024-08-06T20:22:04+00:00

Retail Solutions

Your job is to create loyal customers and grow your business! Our job is to help you run your business more efficiently and effectively with the right solutions at the right cost!

Merchant Services for Store Fronts and Outdoor Markets

Most times merchants just say, “Show me the Money!” However, recent studies show that to survive in today’s competitive retail environment, where the internet is at your customer’s finger tips, you may need to consider additional features other than just collecting payment! Collecting customer data for marketing purposes and understanding purchasing patterns are just a few of the many new features offered with today’s Retail POS Systems.

Traditional Credit Card Terminals and Mobile Card Readers

Choosing the right product for your business is not easy! Why not call an expert? Below are the 2 types of merchant processing solutions we offer for retail businesses:

• Traditional credit card terminals – landline/Internet/Wi-Fi and Wireless – all with EMV Chip acceptance but also Apple, Samsung and Google Pay.

• Mobile Card Readers – These small devices work with a cellphone or tablet to accept credit card payment via a mobile app or a gateway provider.

The Possibilities Are Endless

At Merchant Processing Solutions, we offer options to suit all your business needs. Whether you are a brick and mortar, outside boutique, mobile retailer or e-commerce, we can help! We’ve listed some of the capabilities we have and can offer to you:

•Tracking customer visits and purchase histories.

•Offering individualized pricing and discounts for frequent or preferred customers.

•Improving transaction accuracy, increasing customer confidence and driving repeat business.

•Helping create custom sales programs to drive store traffic.

•Efficiently managing your back office by integrating with QuickBooks® Accounting software.

•Automatically generating inventory, purchase orders based on reorder points and restock requirements.

•Earning customer loyalty through a gift card program.

•Keeping your store top of mind with custom receipts, marketing messages and special offerings.

Mobile App and E-commerce Payment Gateway

Keep loyal customers engaged with your own proprietary mobile app or e-commerce capabilities on your website. At MPS, we offer retail stores the opportunity to serve their customers beyond that face-to-face interaction with these 2 digital services:

•A Proprietary Mobile App – your company can work with us to create a mobile app that will allow your customers to make purchases via their cellphone or website. Payment is also accepted via the mobile app.

•E-commerce Payment Gateway – we can help our merchants add a secure, encrypted gateway to their website to allow more geographic and after hour purchases of their products. This can be in the form of a shopping cart feature or “Buy Now” button.

Why Choose Us?

How do you deal with chargebacks?2024-08-05T23:57:29+00:00

We help our merchants by first training them on how and whom to accept credit cards from. Those that take a female-named credit card from some male is certainly likely to have an issue. But even if you do everything right when you accept the card, there are still those that instead of coming to you to resolve an issue will just do a chargeback!

We help our merchants by advising them how to answer within the 14 days from receipt of the letter of a chargeback a dispute. We train the merchant and their employees to get signatures on all receipts and to verify with a license any larger than normal transactions.

We especially encourage the “transaction authorization letter” that is signed by a purchaser when calling in over the phone. It includes their personal info along with a photo of a driver’s license. These precautions are not fool-proof, but they have indeed helped our merchants properly dispute a chargeback and ultimately, KEEP THEIR MONEY!

What if I start out with a terminal or mobile card reader, can I upgrade easily?2024-08-05T23:57:41+00:00

Absolutely! We encourage our merchants to “begin with the end in mind”, but also it needs to be based on the current needs.

If your budget only allows for a terminal at this time, instead of a Point of Sale, then you can start there and upgrade when you feel the time is right.

However, we always want to encourage our merchants to plan out 6-12 months of their business plan to know when the time is right for each product.

What if I have multiple locations?2024-08-05T23:57:49+00:00

If you have multiple locations, there are POS Systems available that can help you manage all your business remotely.

How do I know which Point of Sale System is best for me?2024-08-05T23:58:02+00:00

It would depend on what you are looking for get from your system. It also depends on whether you are within a store-front or a mobile retail seller. The best thing you can do BEFORE you buy is consult with us about your options.

Can I have mobile equipment for my waiters?2024-08-05T23:58:06+00:00

One of the advantages of our services is that they work with wireless equipment that allows the waiter to charge at the tables, improving efficiency and perception of security for the client.

When can I get the money in my account?2024-08-05T23:58:10+00:00

Please read about Next Day Funding to understand how you can get your funds into your bank the following business day.

How much are your rates?2024-08-05T23:58:17+00:00

It is hard to determine YOUR EXACT RATE there are several variables to consider. Please check out Understanding Rates to better understand merchant processing. We do guarantee that we offer you the best rates available.

Can I accept chip credit cards?2024-08-05T23:58:21+00:00

Yes, our equipment has the EMV technology to process all types of chip cards and other types of electronic payments. Each piece of equipment accepts EMV differently, please consult with us for exact instructions.

What types of cards do you accept?2024-08-05T23:58:26+00:00

Our systems work with all Visa/MasterCard/Discover/American Express credit and debit cards. Most hardware and software can also accept payment from Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Goggle Pay, Gift Cards, foreign distributed credit cards.

We’re Here to Support You

At Merchant Processing Solutions, you can rely on us to answer any of your questions about how our technologies function, our rates, the process and anything else in regards to merchant services. Our goal is to make sure your problems are solved with real solutions!

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