Most Merchants are annoyed at their merchant processing fees but take NO TIME to get their statements analyzed by a professional! Some even think that when they do their taxes, their bookkeeper, accountant or CPA will do that task for them…WRONG! Its our job! Merchant Processing Solutions offers free merchant processing analysis that can help you determine exactly what your are paying, if the payment connections or POS you are using covers your company and customers needs and how your processor is helping you save money and efficiencies! Most recently, we saw a merchant statement that had not changed processor in 8 years and was paying over 5% on their transaction plus a plethora of unnecessary service fees! Don’t wait, give us a call to review your statement and offer you some cost saving ideas for your merchant processing!
Here is what we do:
- We examine what pricing method you are placed on by your current processing company…does it make sense to stay processing like that?
- We look at the actual percentage rates you are being charged… how can we help to reduce those percentages?
- We look at any penalties you are being charged, like PCI Compliance…we always help our merchant do their PCI Compliance to avoid expensive NON-Compliance Fees!
- We look at Fraud, which leads to Chargebacks:
Counterfeit cardsFraudsters use a victim’s card information to create fake cards.
Lost or stolen cardsFraudsters gain access to and use cards belonging to others without permission.
Fake cardsScammers create cards to deceive merchants and process payments that will later fail.
Doctored cardsFraudsters alter real cards by erasing and manipulating their magnetic stripes with strong magnets.
CNP (Card Not Present) fraudScammers use the cardholder’s personal information to make purchases without a physical card, such as in online transactions.