Payment accept of credit cards is not the same for EVERY business! Some business just need a single connection point to get paid for products or services. While other businesses have multiple payment acceptance connections like website, call center, remote/mobile, invoice or recurring billing and the traditional “in-person” terminal or POS System.
Most banks partner work with only one merchant company. Usually, those merchant providers have a limited offering and try to put a “round peg into a square hole“! We at Merchant Processing Solutions want a solution that works for YOU and YOUR BUSINESS. We have several platforms and products that work better for special industries and others. We pride ourselves on understanding the needs of our merchant and creating the best solution for your business at the best price!
Regardless of whether you only need a remote card reader or full restaurant bar solution, Merchant Processing Solutions is the right solution for you! We will offer you a complimentary analysis of your current merchant situation and will also create a cost effective and efficient solution for your consideration.
Call us today! 954-938-2420