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How can a merchant prevent CHARGEBACKS?
How can a merchant prevent CHARGEBACKS?

1. Clearly communicate your refund policy if there is an agreement/proposal/invoice signed, make sure they initial any refund policies.
2. Train your staff how to handle returns and refunds so as to not provoke a Chargeback!
3. Make sure your transactions show the name that the customer knows! An unusual business name on a transaction creates doubt and Chargebacks!
4. Make an employee responsible for getting Chargeback Notifications; whether by email or mail! Chargebacks have about 14 days to be contested, when a merchant never opens the mail or checks emails it costs the business a lot of money!
5. Keep impeccable records of all payment transactions including a copy of the customer’s signature, an authorization code, or a receipt showing the customer’s full name, address, and other details.
Whether online, in-person, receipts, invoices and email/text communications. All of these documents need to show that the customer knowingly and willingly made the transaction for you to win a dispute!
Call Merchant Processing Solutions for more information: 954-938-2420
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